
Thursday, October 16, 2014

What they dont tell you when you come to college

Coming to college was probably one of the most stressful things I have ever done in my life. When I was moving in I was probably the biggest dormzilla in the entire world. Not only was I a complete drama queen, but I seriously under packed so bad. I didn't think that was possible for a girl to do, but I kind of forgot everything. I have been at college about two months now and looking back I think it's funny how scared I was! I have a small campus and I was nervous all the time I can not imagine going to a huge university and finding everything. So here's some things you really just have to figure out yourself when getting here...

Food sucks. 
Simple as that. Oh, and just because the food isn't great doesn't give you an excuse to eat pizza and french fries everyday.

Don't go out when you have an 8am.
Seriously. Get your butt in bed.

You will cling to your room mate at first...
BUT, you will both make other friends. I was super lucky and I have an amazing room mate. We get along great and still have own friends so we don't get tired of each other. We are different enough in just the right ways so that we mesh perfectly. Cheesy I know.

It won't take long to figure out the buildings.
It seems super scary at first because all the buildings have different names and all your classes are different places, but once you get the hang of it it's not scary any more. Be sure you know where your classes are before the first day of class!!!

DO NOT spend all your money the first two weeks.
I know every restaurant, boutique, Target, and coffee shop is so tempting and they have everything you need for survival, but trust me... coming from the girl that spent $500 dollars the first two weeks (how does that even happen I have no clue?) DON'T DO IT.

There's a lot of frat boys...
I go to an all girls school and I still see so many. Don't talk to every single one. They are most likely jerks and I know you won't want to believe it, but trust me. I didn't want to either. Don't go searching for a boy. They will come to you if they are worth it. Also, never hurts to play hard to get.

Make friends!
Put yourself out there. Talk to people. I promise it will be worth it.

Everyone does laundry on Sundays.
Pick a different day...

Plan your whole day the day before.
I promise your days will go a lot smoother if you do this. Get a planner write EVERYTHING down. It's easy to forget the important stuff.

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