
Friday, October 31, 2014

Greek life!


       When I first came to college I wasn't really sure if I wanted to be in a sorority or not. I just kind of assumed "Oh, well I am going to a an girls school that's basically a sorority already." That was a completely wrong assumption... just because its an all girls school doesn't mean it's anything like a sorority. Going greek in college is the best decision I've made since coming to Stephens. I am so proud to be a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority. It is amazing gaining so many amazing sisters that you can always have fun with, vent to, or just having someone to eat with at lunch. I can't imagine what my college experience would be like if I hadn't joined tri sigma. I have met amazing girls and I know a lot them will stay my friends for a very very very long time. The bond you have with your sisters is not something you are paying for. We are not paying for our friends. We are paying to keep our organization going (and for all the cute shirts duh haha). I am so glad I went greek and it will/has definitely enhance my college experience.
Thanks for reading...

                                                            Me and my perfect big<3

                                 Some of my first friends at Stephens and then we became sisters!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


I absolutely love being tan. It makes me feel so much better about myself. I think it is really true when people say that being tan makes someone look ten pounds thinner. I try to be tan year round just because it makes me feel a lot better; however, I have never been in a tanning bed and I hardly ever lay out in the sun. When I do lay out I have layers of sunscreen on. So how do I stay tan? Mystic tans... or spray tans. They are so easy. At first it's a little bit scary stepping into this box and letting a machine spray you, but you can't mess it up unless you don't follow directions (which are super easy by the way). They are more expensive than just using tanner, but it is so easy and takes about five minutes. I always get medium with all the additives (which includes a scent, bronzer, and accelerator). Tan and Company has mystic tans for a decent price. I usually go before I go to bed, wake up and I'm tan! Its magical really. My tans usually last about five days, but if you start using a self tanner towards the end (something like jergens natural glow even) you can get it to last about a week and half! Tan company has a membership for spray tans that is forty dollars a month for unlimited sprays and I should probably just do that, but I am poor college student who can't make that commitment. Ha! 

So yes. Go get a spray tan. I promise it will make you feel good. Especially since it's getting cold. Skip the tanning bed and do mystic! Its easy, healthy, and gives you a great tan!

Thanks for reading...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Favorite Fall Outfit

Fall is my favorite season! Pumpkin spice everything, apple cider, bonfires, pretty leaves, but most importantly the fashion! Sweaters, layers, your favorite jeans, riding boots...Ahhhh I can't wait for it to get cooler here in Missouri! I don't have motivation everyday to look cute so the look I put together on polyvore (PS making outfits on polyvore is addicting!!) is perfect for a college girl. The best things about the pieces above is you can wear these so many different ways! They are pretty much all classics. The leopard print shoes are practically a neutral because they match everything! This outfit is super easy and comfortable to throw on for an 8am class or even great for a night out to dinner! I am going to try and post outfit inspo posts once a week so keep your eyes out for more inspiration! 
Thanks for reading! 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Dallas Market

Dallas Market

This week I traveled to Dallas, Texas for apparel market with the owner of the boutique I work in. For those of you that have never been to market it’s basically where stores pick out the clothes for the store. Not anyone can attend market…To get to go to market their is a process involving sending in your license, tax id form, picture of your store, and a few other official things. To get to go to market with a store owner you have to work in the store. I was fortunate enough to get to go with Paula who owns June and Beyond Boutique, and also happens to be a really good friend of mine. As much work as it is, it is also a lot of fun. By the end of the day we are exhausted, but I really love getting to go. The market center is fifteen floors of show rooms to shop in; however, apparel is only on about five go those floors. We pretty much have every show room we want to visit picked out before we get there because a lot of them do not fit our store or customer. It is really important to think about your customer and where our store is located while we are shopping. We can’t just buy something because we like it. We have to be sure that it will sell in the store. This is especially hard because of the fact that we are in such a small town and we try to cater to many different types of customers from 13 year olds to 75 year olds. Also being in a small town we try to keep the prices low, but we do like to have more expensive pieces for those customers we know will buy it and we also like to spend more on quality classic items that can be worn season after season. We try to mix fast fashion with classic items to appeal to the different ages/styles. On our way to Dallas I also did some research on the spring trends that will be prominent. The big ones are going to be: Big floral, suede, white, yellow, gingham, scalloped hem, black and white, fringe, ruffles, and crop tops. 

Here are some pictures I took while in Dallas…Enjoy!
One of my favorite show rooms... Buddylove Showroom! More fast fashion.

Picture from the fifteenth floor. Doesn't really look as big in this picture.

Loved seeing how the trends from the spring were translated at market.. Big floral.

 These mannequins cover the black and white, yellow, scalloped hem, and midriff showing trends.
 This is another one of my favorite showroom called Karlie. This showroom didn't have their spring line to show yet, but isn't their holiday collection gorgeous?! This showroom is more expensive, but still fast fashion.

I was in love with these rompers.
A vintage store we visited had multiple chanel suits. I wanted one soooo bad!

We picked up a new brand called Farrah B. (that's what the "Hey Ya'll" necklace is). I am in love!

Picking out Fraternity Collection combinations was so fun! I love these tees and we can hardly keep these in stock at the boutique.

Friday, October 17, 2014


I apologize ahead of time if you are not in a sorority. You have probably already rolled your eyes at the title of this post, but ya know I am excited and it's my blog soooo... HA.
Big little week... for those that aren't quite sure what this means. It is christmas for sorority girls! One of your older sisters gives you gifts and notes/clues all week until "reveal" when you find out who your big is, some sororities call them moms also! Your big is basically your mentor for the next fews years and probably even after college too! We get to find out who our bigs are Sunday and I haven't been more excited for something in so long! I am extremely anxious, but I know I will love her already. I am sure I will post a million pictures on instagram when I find out so be on the look out for that :)
Thanks for reading!
Until next time,
Brianna xoxo

Thursday, October 16, 2014

What they dont tell you when you come to college

Coming to college was probably one of the most stressful things I have ever done in my life. When I was moving in I was probably the biggest dormzilla in the entire world. Not only was I a complete drama queen, but I seriously under packed so bad. I didn't think that was possible for a girl to do, but I kind of forgot everything. I have been at college about two months now and looking back I think it's funny how scared I was! I have a small campus and I was nervous all the time I can not imagine going to a huge university and finding everything. So here's some things you really just have to figure out yourself when getting here...

Food sucks. 
Simple as that. Oh, and just because the food isn't great doesn't give you an excuse to eat pizza and french fries everyday.

Don't go out when you have an 8am.
Seriously. Get your butt in bed.

You will cling to your room mate at first...
BUT, you will both make other friends. I was super lucky and I have an amazing room mate. We get along great and still have own friends so we don't get tired of each other. We are different enough in just the right ways so that we mesh perfectly. Cheesy I know.

It won't take long to figure out the buildings.
It seems super scary at first because all the buildings have different names and all your classes are different places, but once you get the hang of it it's not scary any more. Be sure you know where your classes are before the first day of class!!!

DO NOT spend all your money the first two weeks.
I know every restaurant, boutique, Target, and coffee shop is so tempting and they have everything you need for survival, but trust me... coming from the girl that spent $500 dollars the first two weeks (how does that even happen I have no clue?) DON'T DO IT.

There's a lot of frat boys...
I go to an all girls school and I still see so many. Don't talk to every single one. They are most likely jerks and I know you won't want to believe it, but trust me. I didn't want to either. Don't go searching for a boy. They will come to you if they are worth it. Also, never hurts to play hard to get.

Make friends!
Put yourself out there. Talk to people. I promise it will be worth it.

Everyone does laundry on Sundays.
Pick a different day...

Plan your whole day the day before.
I promise your days will go a lot smoother if you do this. Get a planner write EVERYTHING down. It's easy to forget the important stuff.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Life of a Fashion Major

        I decided to major in something that I love. I obviously know that majoring in fashion isn't the safest choice, but I didn't want to do something just because it was safe! I knew I needed to do something that I was passionate about! People either think my major is awesome or they think that I am wasting my time majoring in something that they don't even consider a major. I love fashion and I want to pursue that as a career. If you love biology and want to pursue that as a career, then awesome! But just because my major isn't something at every school doesn't mean it's less important. Just imagine if no one majored in fashion and no one worked in the fashion industry. Imagine America or even the world with out a fashion industry! That would completely change our culture. Just like if people just stopped being doctors that would completely change our world (maybe a bit more dramatic, but I have to get my point across!!) Here's a couple more things you should know about being a fashion major....

It's not an easy major.
If you want to do fashion because you think its easy, you should reconsider. The fashion design students here have to work their butts off. Especially upper class men. They always tell us that they sleep in the sewing labs often to get their pieces completely. I am a fashion communication major, which requires a lot of writing. If you aren't a fairly strong writer then you probably shouldn't major in fashion communication. So basically.... NO, I didn't just come to college to party.

We don't always look cute.
I mean yeah we are fashion majors, but we have our lazy days too. It might be cuter than a typical lazy day outfit;) but hey we consider it lazy. I like to try and look like cute somedays, but somedays I can't ignore the fact that yoga leggings are calling my name. More power to ya if ya look cute everyday. I wish I could do it.

It really is about your connections & experiences. 
If you want to major in fashion I highly recommend getting as many different experiences in the different parts of the industry as early as you can! Experiences that have been amazing for me are working in a boutique, getting to go to market, having a fashion instagram (which has given me awesome contacts, enabled me to be featured on Seventeen Magazine's website, promote awesome products and designers, and so much more!!)

I apologize for writing about stereotypes a lot lately, but it seems to be something that I enjoy writing about. I love fashion and the fashion world and I can't wait to do the real thing. I prepared to, despite what people think, work my butt off to get to where I want in the fashion industry.
Until next time,

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Yeah, girls golf too.

        Four years ago when I started playing golf I never REALLY knew how male dominated golf is. It's a sport that many women aren't involved in and when they are its this weird thing apparently. I worked at a golf course the past two summers as a cart girl, and this recent summer as a cart girl and in the pro shop. It never failed that I would get at least one comment about being a girl and working at a golf course each day like they had never seen a college aged girl working at a golf course before (yes, i am aware this is sort of a rare thing). It became a normal thing I would always smile and be thinking yes, I am girl working at a golf course why is that so intriguing. Most of the golfers at the course were men and when I would be cleaning their clubs or checking them in some would try and make conversation. As soon as they figured out that I wasn't just working at a golf course, but I actually play golf then they were even more shocked. It was interesting being so involved in something that was prominently male dominated. It made me realize that even though most golfers are men that doesn't mean girls can't golf. I think more should honestly. I am not really sure why it's mostly men that golf. But that won't change the fact that even though golf is the most frustrating thing in the entire world sometimes I still love it. I'm still a college golfer and I'll still work at a golf course. Hopefully, more women will start to play, but until then... yes, girl golfers do exist.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pet Friendly Campus

Today, I sat down at my desk trying to brain storm a topic for my blog post today... meanwhile a very sad and lonely pup was howling in the room down the hall. I found the poor guy very distracting, but it reminded me what a unique school Stephens is. I love how Stephens has such an amazing pet program. Especially our pet fostering program, where the local shelter lets dogs and cats live with Stephens students until they get adopted. It's a great way for students to get involved and help in the community and it's a great way for pets to get socialized with people and other pets. This makes them that much of a better pet for their future family! Of course the pet friendly option also has it's cons (because everything has to right?). A lot of girls think "Wow, pet friendly! That's awesome! I am going to bring my dog and it will be so much fun!" But it is A LOT, of work! Freshman especially don't realize that when you aren't in class you're most likely going to be doing something class related. Yes, college is SO much fun, but you have to do the work before you think about having fun. Having a pet when you have three papers due the next day might be stressful sometimes when all you want to do is focus on school. I considered bringing my dog next semester, but I honestly don't think I could do it. I wouldn't be able to give him the attention he needs and I would feel so bad if he was in my room all day by himself. I don't think most girls realize how bringing a dog to college with you is like bringing a baby. Yes, you have to wake up earlier to take them out. You always have to make sure that you get back to your room so that you can walk them. If you don't have a room mate you definitely can't really stay anywhere, but in your dorm. Even if you do have a room mate you shouldn't expect them to take care of YOUR pet! Of course they will probably help out, but don't expect it.  I absolutely love how Stephens is unique and is a pet friendly campus. Stephens really tries to make you feel comfortable here even if that means bringing your furry friend with you.
Thanks for reading!
Until next time,

Monday, October 6, 2014

Women's College?

      When people ask me where I go to school and I tell them that I go to Stephens College, the typical reaction is, "Wait, isn't that an all girls school?" with a mildly concerned look on their face. Nine of ten of these weird looks come from boys. So here's a little info about all girls schools.

No, we aren't all lesbians.
Contrary to the typical stereotypes, most of us don't come here to only be around girls the whole time. I mean sure theres always going to be some, but that is at every college! Not just women's colleges! I like boys and I got to women's college (right next door to University of Missouri by the way... theres a few boys there..) Some girls here like girls, and that's cool too!

There's no one to impress. 
If I want to wear yoga pants and a tee shirt to class, I will. If I want to wear a pumps the next day, I will. At bigger universities dressing up is rare. At Stephens no one is going to judge for actually trying two or three times a week. (Might be because I'm fashion major..) But seriously, no one cares what you look like. We all know the struggle of waking up or even just the struggle of doing life some days. Not only do I not need to worry about my appearance all the time, but I never have to worry about being nervous to speak up in class. A lot of girls may not think of this, but whether you think it affects you or not, it most likely does.

We kind of live in our own little pink bubble.
If you have no interest in seeing boys, you really don't have to. But then again, if you do... Mizzou is right next door. If you don't always stay on Stephens campus I promise you will meet boys. Just because you attend an all girls school does not mean boys suddenly drop off the face of the earth. I love the bubble, its the thing that protects you on those days you feel crappy.

No, our classes aren't a joke.
Just because it's all girls doesn't mean it's going to be a breeze. Yes, we have fun, but we also work our butts off just like any other college.

It doesn't make you weird around boys. Promise.
A lot of people think women's colleges do not prepare you for the real world because in the real world you won't be around just girls all the time, but I think I am a lot more confident. I think being at an all women's college gives you that extra bit confidence you need for the real world, whether that be talking to boys or applying for a job! I am a Stephens women and I am proud of that. I love going here and I love telling people all about Stephens. Stephens women are brave, confident, motivated, and ready to take on anything!