
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pet Friendly Campus

Today, I sat down at my desk trying to brain storm a topic for my blog post today... meanwhile a very sad and lonely pup was howling in the room down the hall. I found the poor guy very distracting, but it reminded me what a unique school Stephens is. I love how Stephens has such an amazing pet program. Especially our pet fostering program, where the local shelter lets dogs and cats live with Stephens students until they get adopted. It's a great way for students to get involved and help in the community and it's a great way for pets to get socialized with people and other pets. This makes them that much of a better pet for their future family! Of course the pet friendly option also has it's cons (because everything has to right?). A lot of girls think "Wow, pet friendly! That's awesome! I am going to bring my dog and it will be so much fun!" But it is A LOT, of work! Freshman especially don't realize that when you aren't in class you're most likely going to be doing something class related. Yes, college is SO much fun, but you have to do the work before you think about having fun. Having a pet when you have three papers due the next day might be stressful sometimes when all you want to do is focus on school. I considered bringing my dog next semester, but I honestly don't think I could do it. I wouldn't be able to give him the attention he needs and I would feel so bad if he was in my room all day by himself. I don't think most girls realize how bringing a dog to college with you is like bringing a baby. Yes, you have to wake up earlier to take them out. You always have to make sure that you get back to your room so that you can walk them. If you don't have a room mate you definitely can't really stay anywhere, but in your dorm. Even if you do have a room mate you shouldn't expect them to take care of YOUR pet! Of course they will probably help out, but don't expect it.  I absolutely love how Stephens is unique and is a pet friendly campus. Stephens really tries to make you feel comfortable here even if that means bringing your furry friend with you.
Thanks for reading!
Until next time,

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